The Hidden Meadows Garden Club

First prize winners in photo contest: Pat and Roy Buntin.

By Lisa Lonsdale

Event hostess and runner-up in photo contest: Denise Haase.

The Hidden Meadows Garden Club’s annual Potluck Dinner is a much anticipated event for club members and their spouses. Thirty-nine people attended the event this year, which was held on August 12th at Tom and Denise Haase’s beautiful Tuscan-style home in the Lotus Pond area.  The Haases own and operate the Manzanita Ridge Winery, and the evening began with a short tour of the vineyard and wine production rooms on their hillside property.

The meal was served “al fresco” in the shade of the home’s large porte-cochere, which afforded a beautiful view of the hills to

the east and north of Hidden Meadows.  The temperature had cooled down and evening was very comfortable and pleasant.

Dinner included a variety of salads, main dishes and desserts brought by the attendees.  Sima Kashani’s fresh-baked bread was a special treat. The food was delicious, conversation lively, and everyone appeared to have a wonderful time.  Afterwards, folks left with with bags of home-grown Lychee fruits from the Melvins and elephant garlic from the Lonsdales.

The party also included a photo contest, which turned out to be loads of fun.  Attendees brought garden-themed photos they had taken, and everyone voted on their favorites.  The first-place prize was awarded to Roy and Pat Buntin for their close-up of a butterfly feeding on a Lantana bloom.  The picture was exceptionally clear and colorful.  Their prize was a large ceramic

Attendees enjoy pleasant evening under the porte-cochere.

bowl planted with a variety of succulents.  A smaller bowl of succulents went to the runner-up — our hostess, Denise.  Her photo was of a stark-white yucca bloom against an azure blue lake in the background.  Congratulations to the winners and hats off to all those who participated.

Many, many thanks to the Haases for opening up their home and to their daughter and granddaughter who helped out with all of the activities.  Thanks also to Wendy and Steve Rogers for helping with set-up and to everyone else for bringing food and contributing to the fun evening.

Tom Haase leads garden club members on tour of the vineyard.

Next month, the club will be nursery hopping in the Fallbrook/Bonsall area.  For info about the Garden Club, call Lisa at (760)749-8723.  Yearly dues are only $10 per household.  Anyone is welcome to join.