Meet our scholarship recipients
By Sarah Sealy
The Hidden Meadows Community Foundation presented its scholarship awards for 2017 during a small reception on Sunday, June 11. I am delighted to have the privilege of introducing our three recipients!

Loren Li Cloes will be attending the University of Redlands. She’s planning on a Bachelor of Arts in Theater Business. Redlands is one of the few universities to award a degree involving both disciplines, which is what drew Loren’s interest. Loren is an accomplished photographer and submitted several excellent samples of her work as part of her application. She is interested in exploring many art mediums during her studies, including theater, video and film. Loren currently attends High Tech High in San Marcos.

Emily Kanetis will be attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and will major in Liberal Studies with a focus on obtaining her teaching credential. Emily has volunteered extensively at the San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum, where she has been a teacher’s aide and camp counselor and has occasionally run the art studio. She wants to teach in order to help children believe in themselves and their ability to do anything they put their minds to! She credits her parents with instilling this confidence in her from a young age. Emily attends Escondido High School.

Cameron Lewis will attend UC San Diego and will major in Electrical Engineering. He is an avid math and science fan. He had considered many possible fields of study until he discovered engineering and was “ecstatic.” He loves the potential flexibility an engineering education will give him, possibly to design medical or automotive technology or perhaps, video games or new ways to experience them. Cameron is currently interning at a software firm to help further his professional education and exposure. He attends San Marcos High Scool.
Each of these remarkable young Hidden Meadows residents has a GPA in excess of 3.50 and submitted essays detailing their interests, educational plans and future pursuits.
I hope you’ll all join me in wishing each of them well-earned congratulations and much success in their future endeavors. All three students specifically expressed their thanks to you, our Hidden Meadows Community Foundation donors, for helping to make their college dreams possible!