Hidden Meadows town hall meeting a success: it’s time to dream big


Recent town meetings brought out many residents of The Meadows to where Hidden Meadows Community Foundation (HMCF) President Wendy Smith-Rogers, explained a brief history of the ARO and Foundation and why so many residents as well as current and past community leaders believe that one community organization makes sense.

The dissolution of the ARO and Meadowlark, and the subsequent incorporation of the ARO activities, including the Hidden Meadows News, under the umbrella of the Foundation, was the only viable option for the two to become one.

The mission of the Foundation is now fourfold:

  • Community beautification
  • Scholarships for high school seniors
  • Neighbors helping neighbors
  • Community events

One thing is clear. Our residents love the Hidden Meadows community. Over 160 people attended the three town hall meetings to understand the structural changes in the community organizations, but more importantly to share their hopes and dreams for Hidden Meadows.

Following is a list of them in no specific order:

  • Traffic safety regarding speeding vehicles was a resounding priority in all three meetings. Although this concern does not fall under the umbrella of the Foundation, several attendees are taking immediate action.
  • The following ideas were mentioned by community members that the Foundation can address:
  • Median beautification
  • A dog park
  • A playground
  • Coordinated communication among the Hidden Meadows News, the new website, Facebook, the Town Crier, and Nextdoor.com
  • Trash dispensers for dog droppings and litter in major walking areas
  • Neighborhood watch
  • Fruit stand or crop swap
  • Communication among the HOAs, Sponsor Group, CERT, Fire Safe Council and the HMCF
  • Social hour before Foundation meetings for community members to attend
  • More human interest articles for the Hidden Meadows News

In March, a fundraising letter campaign will kick off with the goal to raise money for specific projects and activities. As members of this great community, you will have the opportunity to make a tax-free donation to the project of your choice. There will be no annual dues.

Now that all the new positions on the Foundation Board are filled, the board looks forward to taking action as soon as possible on the four or five top priorities that were discussed at the town hall meetings.

Our activities are as extensive, frequent and varied as the manpower to make them happen, so if you didn’t attend the town hall meetings and want to volunteer in a large or small way, or if you have any questions, please contact the Foundation president, Wendy Smith-Rogers at wsmithrogers@gmail.com or 760-749-5652.