Hidden Meadows Community Groups and Organizations



Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The Deer Springs CERT program is comprised of volunteers who have completed a 40-hour training program designed by FEMA that includes instruction in light search and rescue, medical triage, ways to improve home and work place safety, and how to prepare for an emergency. The volunteer are also trained in CPR, first aid and in the use for a defibrillator. Contact Marc Weissman at 760-525-5170 or marcweissman11@gmail.com.

Community Sponsor Group

The members, appointed by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, meet monthly to provide a communication link with the San Diego County Planning and Land Use Department. They review and make recommendations on all types of land use, building matters and other planning issues that affect our community life. Their areas of interest include property north of the city of Escondido, east of I-15, south of Old Castle Road, and west of Valley Center. Contact Wayne Dauber at 760-749-6085 or hmdaub@cox.net for more information.

Deer Springs Fire Safe Council

The mission of the Deer Springs Fire Safe Council (DSFSC) is to preserve lives, property and natural resources by mobilizing all members of our community to make our neighborhoods fire safe. This is accomplished through the following:

Education- Through the use of instructional literature, meetings, the website www.deerspringsfiresafecouncil.com and newspaper articles, the Council shall disseminate proven measures for fire safety. This information will be provided to every district resident at least once each year.

Prevention- The council shall take the necessary steps to mitigate future wildfires and other uncontrolled fires within the community.

Communication- The Council shall acquire and develop the necessary capabilities to communicate to all our residents during an emergency event.

Contact Craig Cook at 760-749-4292.

Emergency Communication System

The Deer Springs Fire Safe Council sponsors its own Emergency Communications System (ECS) that will call registered residents in the event of an emergency. This is a free service provided by local members of the council but you MUST be registered to receive a call. A system-wide test is conducted each summer to make sure everyone who has registered will receive a test call. Any phone number in the United States may be registered. To register, visit www.deerspringsfiresafecouncil.com.

An information hotline is updated during emergencies or noteworthy events and may be called 24/7 at 949-472-1407. Red flags are placed on the “Fire Danger Signs” during red flag warnings.

Homeowners Associations

The Meadows Homes Association (HMA)


Rimrock Homeowners Association


Hidden Meadows Ranch

Homeowners Association


Silverado Management Services

Oak Ranch Homeowners Association

Neighborhood Watch

Although not active as of this printing, the purpose of the organization is to ensure safety of the Hidden Meadows residents and their property. Block Captains are needed in all neighborhoods for this program to be effective. Although Hidden Meadows is a low crime rate area, vigilant neighbors help keep it that way. If you are interested in organizing Neighborhood Watch, contact Wayne Dauber at 760-749-6085 or hmdaub@cox.net.


Artisan Guild

The Hidden Meadows Artisan Guild seeks to

Inspire, foster and promote arts and crafts of all mediums,

Promote supportive networking, marketing, and social opportunities,

Encourage member empowerment, educational opportunities, and fun

Develop an appreciation of the arts within our community

Contact Wendy Smith-Rogers at 760-749-5652 or wsmithrogers@gmail.com


Weekly Bridge for women is held at the pavilion. Contact Joanne Boessow at 760-751-4166 or mjab33@cox.net.


There are several women’s Bunco groups in the community, but are independently run by groups of women who want to have fun once a month. If interested, consider putting an ad in nextdoor.com for other interested residents.

Hidden Meadows Community Foundation

In the heart of the community lies the Foundation whose purpose is fourfold:

Beautification programs such as the maintenance of the medians

Neighbors Helping Neighbors (temporary assistance for residents in distress)

Scholarships for residents who are graduating from high school

Community events.

All donations are tax-deductible. Contact Wendy Smith-Rogers at 760-749-5652 or wsmithrogers@gmail.com.

Garden Club

Everyone in the community who is interested in gardening is invited to participate in the Hidden Meadows Garden Club. Monthly events include field trips around the county, plant exchanges, plant and garden crafts as well as ongoing exchanges of ideas and expertise on the local flora and fauna. Contact Lisa Lonsdale at 760-749-8723 or ldlonsdale4@gmail.com.

Ladies Bible Study

The group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings during September through May in the homes of the participants. Contact Bonnie Miymoto at 760-297-1508 or Debbie Hamer at 760-297-1108.

Social Groups

Several social groups have been organized in Hidden Meadows over the years for those who want to meet other couples throughout the community. Typically twelve households make up a group so that a gathering can be organized once a month at each other’s homes. Each group has its own way of planning the gatherings, such as potluck, drink and appetizers, outings, brunch, or hosts providing everything. For more information, contact Noe Silva at noesilva09@gmail.com or 858-527-8385.

Tennis Club

Current tennis players range from 25 to over 90 years young. Some matches are organized according to ability, but most are just fun mathes where everyone can play. Contact Katy Freeze at 760-749-9722 or clarkfreese@gmail.com.

Women’s Golf Club

The Boulder Oaks Women’s Golf Club is a member of the San Diego County Women’s Golf Association and Santa Margarita Women’s Golf Association. The latter offers inter-club competitive matches with nearby clubs. Thursday is Ladies Day at eh course with a variety of tournament formats played throughout the year. Membership in the Boulder Oaks Golf Course is not required for women wishing to join this club. Contact Jude Begell at 760-505-5188 or judebegell@cox.net.

Women’s Social Group

Monthly gatherings at members’ homes for a potluck dinner and conversation are a wonderful way to meet new faces in Hidden Meadows. for information contact Linda Collins at 760-751-0527 or hmwsg92026@aol.com.