Boulder Oaks Ladies Golf
Sep 28: Bingo-Bango-Bongo: This week winners were: First was a tie between Dorothy Aleshire and Ellen Koury with 20 points each and Judy Begell was third with 14 points.
Oct 5: Ace of the Month: Ellen Koury was ace with a net score of 68, Donna Williams was second with a net 71 and Elissa Hamilton was third with a net 75.
Oct 12: Play the Middle: First place was won by Ellen Koury with a net 35, Donna Williams was second with a net 36 and third place was Barbara Bell with a net 36.5.
Oct 19: Best Nine: First place was Donna Williams with a net 24, Second place was Elissa Hamilton with a net 25.5, and third was Mary Jo Moore with a net 26.
We welcome our latest new member, Suzie Hill. Suzie joined us on October 12. Will have a picture next month. We are hoping the heat is almost gone so we can play some cool golf!! The heat has kept a lot of golfers at home. With travel and the heat, we haven’t had very good turn-outs. Come on out everyone, it should be cooling off soon.
Most Improved Golfer for the Month of September is Donna Williams. She started with a hdcp 26.8 and ended with a hdcp 24.3. Brenda Vatnsdal came in second. She started with a hdcp 19.4 and ended with hdcp 18.5.